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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's a.....blueberry??

So Nate and I decided to start a blog.  Not just because we are bloggers, or blogees, or full of bologna.  But because, and if you are here you already know.........WE'RE EXPECTING A BABY!!!  Yikes, weird having it written out.  The reality is still surreal to me.  The log in my stomach, frequent attacks of acid pains in my stomach, and feelings of lethargy are very real.  Nonetheless, i'll start you from the beginning.

One day, not so long ago, Nate decided he wanted to step out in faith and be real to the fact that we don't really ever have control of our lives.  He wanted to start a family, and give God all the glory if it happened.   

I thought he was joking.  But he wasn't.  Ahem, err,  I know "children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward." but eh, now, really? Um, the idea was in my head, but not in my heart.  Ahhh the journey of getting things from our head to our heart.

The clencher in my meditations and prayers and bible studies came on 11/23.  I prayed to God in the morning, "I have read Your Word and many of the scriptures supporting Your thoughts about family and children, but..... I need a little something more?"  Ahhh, praises to You, Lord!!  Your faithfulness shines brighter than a morning sky!  His faithfulness came in the testimony of a dear friend and family member, Heather! who lives in Tennessee and they just had a baby of their own (in july).  She called me not more than 3 hrs after my prayer.  And I hadn't spoke with her since the time she was still pregnant!  Her testimony was so great (I don't think she knows this) but I started taking notes!  Her testimony was to God's provision, faithfulness and blessing in her and Braden (her husband) lives.  She shared her story about ups and downs and joys and fears they experienced.  "Therefore, I say to you, do not worry about your life" Matt 6:25. 

God gave me clarity, knowledge of His truth.  I now really knew that God had His hand in this step of faith Nate and I were making.  Hallelujah!!  No matter what happens, God is here.  God will provide.  God is in control.  He is walking with us!  Let me tell you, I have never felt more peace.  It is a truth that will be with us this entire pregnancy!  Praise the Lord.

God wanted to bless us so badly!  I think we conceived, haha, 3 days later:)  And Nate and I found out on Christmas day that we were expecting. 

So, that makes me 7 weeks and 3 days today.  Our little baby is the size of a blueberry this week.  It has a heartbeat and little arm limbs and its head is HUGE.  Nonetheless, our little baby:)

I'm feeling ok today.  The "log" in my stomach and waves of tiredness are mostly what I battle with now.  I am learning that even though I feel sick, it is important to eat, and it actually makes me feel better.  Walking helps and is important to keep up exercising too.  I think overall, it is really important to rest when I can.  I am not ashamed to take multiple naps through the day or wake up at 11am! hehe. No sugars, they are mostly wasted calories.... for my baby.. ok for me too, but they taste so good!!  I confess to eating lucky charms!  Also calcium and proteins are good too!  Im suppose to eat 75g of protein a day!  That's a lot for those who don't count proteins.  I'm workin on it though.

Nate is feeling a little under the weather too.  So you can pray for him too.  We are seeking your prayers and support through this journey.  So far we aren't planning much of anything.  Like I said earlier God is in control.  How foolish would we be if we started making all these plans in advance and God had different plans.  Not wise.  So we are just taking things one day at a time.  We do have an appt with a group of midwifes and we are reading up on what we are suppose to be doing.

Thank you for journeying with us.  May God bless your family too.
Love Nate, Angie, Mury and Little Blueberry


  1. Wonderful News - Congratulations. Sending much love to all. Great Auntie Tory

  2. So excited for you guys!! You are going to join the 'Mommy, Daddy' club! Lol :) Love you guys and can't wait to join you on this wonderful journey!!

  3. Nate and Angie, Jaes and I are so excited for this new journey and time of preparation the Lord has you both on!! What a blessing it is when we heed the voice of the Lord and step out in faith, and what a blessing it must be starting your precious family! Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of this special time with you! We look forward to hearing of all the Lord is teaching you both, and how He is growing and preparing you each for parenthood! Our prayers are with you as this little blueberry continues to grow and develop! Luv u all, Jae, K, Lady and Mister-Ki
