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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

9 weeks and 3 days

So it's pretty cool that our baby is now the size of a grape.  I mean that's pretty sizable!  Don't you think?  I mean before, just a little blueberry (although that is way cuter to say), but now..... a whole grape!  I think they mean one of those huge grapes that almost looks like a small plum, that has the seeds in them, purplish skin.... not the tiny red grapes; I mean that's almost the size of a blueberry and that would be ridiculous.  I like to form a small circle with my fingers to make the size of a grape and hold it up to my belly (i'll say belly instead of uterus:) and think, "you are huge!  How can I not feel you or see that you are there yet?!"  They say that now most of the physiological systems are in order for rapid weight gain!  Woo Hoo! GO grape GO!!  A+ for our little tike.  Also the thing that I find most exciting is that our baby's heart has finished dividing into four chambers, like a real heart!

It's fun being pregnant.  I almost feel like I have this extra sweetness inside of me.  I have a little bounce in my step.  I haven't been emotional yet, although the other day I did just want to hold Nate's hand, just to hold it and feel close.  I like that video that shows what is going on from week 1-9.  Occasionally I will imagine a little grape baby inside me twitching away as its muscles and reflexes are forming (it's weird I can't feel it). Or imagine a finished baby room. Or Nate and I sitting around the floor watching our baby coo and move.   Is it too early to start playing classical music for our baby?  I think I am just a little in love with the idea there is a little growing person inside me.  And that Nate will be a daddy.  But, I was telling a woman at work, God is very much in this pregnancy and in control, so again, His will be done.  Tension.  Can't get away from it.  Spirit and flesh.

I just want to praise and thank God for Who He is.  Blessed be His name when the darkness closes in and with every blessing He pours out to us.  We can love because He first loved us.  Great is His name in all the earth.   Thank you Abba, for being in control and watching out for your adopted children. 

Thank you again to everyone who is following this blog and supporting us with comments and emails and phone calls and texts and converstations.  Your attention and involvement are so amazing and make us feel loved.  So thank you for being here with us.

Love Nate and Angie

1 comment:

  1. Oh Angie!! I love to hear what's going on in your thoughts! What an exciting time, and even more so, to know each phase of development going on inside as it happens! The Lord's hand is completely on this pregnancy, and the more you proclaim it, the more the light of Jesus will shine through you to others, especially at work!!! I am so thankful you are physically managing well, you are constantly on my thoughts and in my prayers!! ...FYI, Jaeson and I both think it's a boy!!!!...and names!!! how do you pick???!!! There are SO many! I guess start looking on the internet, and select the one's you like, talk about it and pray..think too of any names you may have liked in the past, and since it's a boy ;) you can focus on boy names to begin (99.9% sure ;)..)...And I'll do the same!..Do you have any thoughts on a nursery design yet??...I'm going to start brain storming for you guy's! So, I'll keep you posted!! I love you first pregnancy picture by the way, you look so good! No doubt you will be one of those women who is all belly, meaning the only way someone would know your pregnant is by looking at you face to face! So, cast those weight gaining fears aside, with how active, and health conscious you two are, there is no way you'd put on too much weight! Which, usually means a fast L&D, which you know way more about! ;)

    Love ya,
