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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby room design and baby names... click here to put in your thoughts!

I forgot to add, that I am taking suggestions for baby room colors + themes.  Over the next several weeks I will compile a list of favorites and then put it up for voting:) 

Same thing for baby names, boy and girl, first and middle:)

You can add it as a comment to this blog, or you can email it to me (if you can't comment on the blog) to

Operators will be standing by. Get your theme/color/name on the voting poll!  Sarcastic entries may or may not be taken into account:)  Also, if you ever want to email me, if you can't comment, you can do so to the same email address:)

Nate and Angie

P.S:  If you were going to suggest light sea green with brown and a "Go Dog Go" theme, it's taken:)


  1. I think you should go for a climbing sandstone cave theme. Lots of cool holds and overhangs. You could have canned ocean sound playing gently in the background and sand on the floor.

  2. I can think of only one fitting name for your baby boy - John. How does that sound? Second choice would be Nelion.

  3. i love the sand on the floor part and the ocean waves in the background. i could climb up and hang from my legs on big holds while i change my baby's diaper.

  4. Nelion!! how come i didn't think of that! and john? well that's a given, it'll be john.
