Pregnancy Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

39 and 6 days?

It is very awesome to see 39 and 6 days on the baby ticker....... one day to go (supposedly:)  I remember when it was only 8 weeks and 6 days, with 245 days left!!!  What a journey.  Those two little people on the ticker were so far to the left I never thought we would ever get to the right side!  I also remember telling my sister on Christmas that we were pregers.  It does seem like a long time ago, even though the memory is extra vivid:)  I remember standing in front of the kitchen sink wanting to guzzle water just so I could get it in me, but not being able to because my stomach was too messed up!  I remember 24 weeks pregnant took forever to come!!!

The first half, even 2/3rd defintely went slow.  And then the last 3 weeks have been long.  Overall, I think our pregnancy has been a slow one.  People have even commented that I have been pregnant forever!  I would have to agree!

Nate and I are waiting for that moment of perfection from God.  We are ready!  I have to admit, it has been very hard for me.  I don't even know what it is going to be like to have a baby and hold a baby and know that it is our for the rest of our lives, but I want to go through it.  I get anxious when I am alone.  Time moves soooooooooo slowly.  Our house is ready, stuff is ready, we are ready, so what do I do with my time?!?!  Thinking back, I probably could have been more constructive.  But I have been reading, cleaning, walking, swimming, resting.  I could have started a scrap book or learned to knit, or something.  Anyways, it has been difficult just waiting.   Hopefully now that Nate has off the next 5 days, and I have off after working tonight (for the next 12 weeks:) we will get to enjoy being together.  I miss him incredibly when he is at work and I am at home.  I am very clingy right now!!

Nothing has happened as far as indicating that labor could be around the corner.  No baby dropping.  No nada.  My hips are paining me......streeeeeeeeeeetching out:)  Yoga helps/hurts.  Hopefully it is doing something good for me.  Nate and I have our 40 week appt on Friday.  The midwifes will check me to see if I am dilated at all.. HA!  Yea right.  I will be closed thick and high.  That's ok.  I get to get a massage this week:) 

Well, more later.  Thanks again for reading! 

Friday, July 29, 2011


Hi All,

Yesterday Nate and I finished our newborn class.  Overall it was incredibly awesome.  We learned so much I don't even know what to write.  We definitely were confirmed in our ideas of wanting "bonding"/alone time with baby boy.  In the class they recommend 3 days after the baby is born of nothing but rest in bed and skin to skin time.  Even after that, 2 weeks! of rest and very close time with the baby.  My neighbor said she didn't even go outside the house for 10 days. 

Also, I recommend getting a car seat study for anyone who reads this and is having a baby (you can go online and type in "car seat checks" and a list of the places in your area will come up that do them, they are free).  We learned a bunch and as it turns out, might have to get a different car seat.  Public service announcement here:)

Thanks for your continued prayer.  Again, we feel great peace from the Lord.  We are excited to meet our baby, and are excited for the next couple weeks of waiting.

Love Ang

Thursday, July 21, 2011

37 today!

Today makes me full term!  YAY.  Baby can come anytime and we will be able to deliver at Mt Midwifery Center (they only deliver babies 37 through 42 weeks).  37 weekers still scare me a little bit since they can be a little small so I hope I make it through this week.  At 38weeks I am thinking about climbing Mt Beirstadt (a 14er) to put myself into labor.

Just kidding:)

As Nate said last night, we should be enjoying these last several moments of me and him time.  Which we are!  We have had a marvelous time over the last several days walking and talking together about tons of ideas and thoughts.  It has been lovely and very endearing.  We have put the crib together and pretty much finalized the room.  We set up the car seat and stroller.  All we have left is the glider chair that will be here next week.  I think we are ready!  Praise God too!  I called our absence center for work, and they told us that I could take 12 weeks of maternity leave and Nate could still take up to 6weeks!  That is awesome, because before we thought we had to share 12 weeks!  Hopefully Nate will be able to take 4-6 weeks.  He will be starting a new job in the NICU sometime next week!  He is incredibly excited.  A job and prayer answered he has been waiting for since he graduated from RN school:)  

I am getting excited to meet this little baby.  I imagine the days over the next 3-4 weeks will move slowly.  But again I just want to enjoy this time.  Each day.  My prayers are that God is glorified in the labor process and that through it I can feel the difference in the sorrows and joys of labor and birth; that Nate and I are strong together through the whole thing, and that nothing but love and joy abound.  God has been so incredible through our whole pregnancy.  Prayers have been answered.  Fears relieved.  Love strengthened.  I think it has been a perfect journey.  Nate and I have learned a ton and discussed a ton.  It has brought Nate and I closer together and I think has set us up for continuing positively/successfully/joyfully etc into parenthood.  I also pray for the transition into parenthood- that Nate and I would enjoy each day (no matter how difficult) with each other and with our little boy and have good communication skills to rely our thoughts, feelings and needs to each other (and others!)

I feel good still.  I am having a bunch of "practice contractions" aka "Braxton Hicks" which is great to prepare and strengthen the uterus for real labor.  Baby is moving around a ton.  I hope to start walking a bit more over the next couple weeks to "help" anything I can.  Nothing has really changed body wise.  I am still waiting for oh you know, baby dropping, water breaking, hips hurting, spotting anything that might say "Change coming!"

According to BabyCenter our baby is about 6+ pounds and is about 18+ inches long!  He is ready to come out developmentally (maybe his lungs might need a bit more time, but he could still do ok) he is just gaining fat to help him in extrauterine life!

We feel a great peace these days, which I think can only come from the Lord.  So thank you for all your prayers throughout the pregnancy and continuing on.

Love Ang

Monday, July 11, 2011

35 weeks

Only 31 more days to go.  It's been quite a while since I have written.  Hopefully I will remember all the thoughts from the last 2 months in two years, 10 years.... but prob not.  So I will summarize what I remember. 

How are you feeling?

Well honestly the "30's" have been the best weeks for me so far.  They have been fast and enjoyable.  Physically I have felt great.  I enjoy exercising still- hiking and swimming mostly (swimming actually has been appealing to me which I didn't really enjoy that much before), I haven't done the eliptical in a while or ran.  Nate and I occasionally take the bikes out.  We did a backpacking trip into Lost Creek Wilderness June 11th-13th.  I was wiped out at the end of each day, but it felt great to be outside, breathing in the evergreen air.  We also did a hike in Frisco CO called Mount Royal.  It ascents about 1000 ft in one mile.  It was quite a steep hike.  The view was amazing.  There is even a rock climb you can do from the other side.  Not so much now for me:)  Nate wants to do it with a friend named Cael:)  Murster even came and carried her own pack:)  Swimming has been fun.  I'll swim about 30 min and hopefully get in a 1/2 mile- doggie paddle, butterfly and overhand.  It feels nice to be weightless and the water on my skin feels nice.   Last week we hiked around Golden Gate State Park.  It was beautiful.  3 miles of up and down kinda took it out of me though:)

I didn't realize how much bigger I've gotten from 31-35 weeks.  The pictures show it, but I really don't feel it.  At 35 weeks now, I am still just as tired after a 12hr shift as I was at 31 weeks.  My hips don't hurt and my back really hasn't bothered me.  Occasionally, if I am just sitting down, I will feel the weight of my belly .  I feel like it just sticks out, like my abdominal muscle are not doing a thing.  But if I practice good body mechanics, sitting up straight and core strength, it feels more secure.  Some nights my legs will feel restless.  But Nate's rubs help a ton and actually do the trick.  Afterward I feel like I can rest and sleep.  Other nights it takes me a while to get comfortable before falling asleep (despite my access to 5 large pillows to support me).  And then some nights as I fall asleep I feel like I can only take a 1/2 breath because of my large abdomen (might be my stomach too:)  Mostly I can sleep through the night and have been getting good sleep.  Occasionally I will wake up around 2-5 in the morning and not be able to sleep for 1-2 hours.  Anxious thoughts, stupid thoughts, thoughts, prayers, things to do, weird dreams, bad movies, all get into my mind to keep me up.  I am too lazy to get out of bed to read or do something, so I normally just toss there for a while. 

How have the appointments been going?

Well, we finished our natural childbirthing class at the end of June.  The four week class was amazing.  I learned a ton about natural childbirth- which I hope to take back with me to work to help other natural laboring moms.  I think I learned more in these classes than I did in my L&D orientation.  I won't go into it all though.  After the second week I struggled a lot with flesh and spirit; How I thought I would be in labor and postpartum and how I actually wanted to be.  I battled with thoughts focused around irrational fears- like I would turn inward and not involve Nate. Doubt, like Nate and I would fail at working together, and this weird fear for Nate feeling helpless during the whole labor thing and not know what to do or say.  It is kinda weird to explain, but basically when I see a laboring mom, moaning and in so much pain, I feel helpless, and dont like the look on her face.  I was afraid for making those faces towards Nate and having him feel awful for me.  So basically I thought, if I knew he was ok with seeing me that way (mostly by telling me I was beautiful in those situations) I would feel ok with doing what felt natural to do.  Nate and I had to communicate a lot about what we invisioned for labor and how we could help each other and what we wanted.  Nate basically was ready to be here for me however I needed.  I didn't know what I would like, and I struggled with figuring myself out.  In the end, I chose love and the truth of the Gospel- no fear, praying always, and if the change is led by God, He will be with me, and I have nothing to fear.  I told Nate some things I think I will like him to do for me. Even though he is ready to do anything I ask of him, I told him I wanted him to know things he could do for me without me asking him- like just being with me- possibly in silence, taking charge if he needed to (if I start doubting myself), to help with distractions- making jokes, helping me to switch up positions, put on new music, dimming the lights, etc.  It was a challenging week, but God reminded me, I make the decision to chose love or fear. 

Our appointments will start every week now.  At the last one, everything measured right where we were suppose to be. Good fundal height, good weight, good heart beat, and of course, head down!! We signed up for our "Well Baby" and "Breastfeeding" classes. 

I have been feeling our baby boy move A LOT more now.  Probably around 33 weeks he really is jabbing me, turning, moving his butt from the right to center part of the uterus.  I feel strange pokes.  Occasionally he will really spaz and catch me off guard.  Mostly when he moves I feel this uncomfortable pressure in my bladder.  Towards the end of the day when I have been on my feet most of the day I pee a ton because I think it is resting on the top of my bladder:)

Like I said, overall the 30's have been great.  I am not stressed out as much about things compared to stuff I worried about in the 20's.  Nate and I are having a good time just hanging out.  I really am enjoying being pregnant.  I like feeling pregnant- seeing the belly, feeling his movements.  I think of what it will be like when I do not have a pregnant body!  That will be weird!  I feel like I have been pregnant forever.  I looked at a pic at the beginning back in december when we just found out- "I looked like that?!?!"  They are just fun thoughts.   We finished the baby's room- refinished a dresser, and finally ordered the crib!  This friday my work is having a baby shower for us, and after that we will buy the remainder of the things we need/want!  I am looking forward to some of the 36-40week milestones- feeling the baby drop, etc.  I am also looking forward to not working in the hospital for a while!  Even though we will be working weird hours, through the nights, but with a different job description:)

God has been good to us in this pregnancy.  Like I said earlier, if He is in the change, then I have nothing to fear.  We know He has been with us from the beginning.  My life, my husband and our baby all belong to Him.  He is a wonderful creator of life.  I am excited to experience one unique part of His creation.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

27 weeks

This is the last week of the second trimester.  Our baby weighs close to 2 pounds!  YEA!  I remember when I was still talking in ounces and couldn't wait to get into pounds and now here we are!  Also he is about 14 inches long and has his own sleep and wake cycles.  He is also opening and closing his eyes:)  I have noticed him kicking me a little more, with the rare karate chop punch which moves my entire abdomen (only twice).  Also my belly is getting quite large.  Funny how I have gone 27 weeks and only gained about 4-6 pounds in my abdomen (baby and some fluid and placenta).  Now in the next 13 weeks, half that time, I will grow another 4-5 pounds of baby!!!.......... and 2-3 of placenta and fluid!  It will be interesting to see when I will begin to feel off balance (as they tell me to watch out for).  A co-worker of Nate said she began to feel it all around 36 weeks, heavy, off balance, and more tired.  I'm hoping it won't bother me........ :) gotta be optimistic:)

It's amazing how awesome God is.  Period.  Just that.  He rocks.  Praise Him for a healthy pregnancy, a wonderful, wonderful, supportive and understanding and loving husband who can't stand reading books telling him not to be afraid of poopy diapers, and that it will "help mom out if you help change them once in a while"!! "What father/husband wouldn't/doesn't do this?" He is going to be right there in the mess of it all with me!  I even asked him if he would hold the baby while I was breast feeding so I could take a nap!  "Of course!" Praise God for having broadcasts on the radio for me to hear about raising children etc.  Praise Him for all the love and support and kindness from all our friends and family.  Praise Him for loving me more than I know and ever deserve.  I am not worth to be called His daughter, but He still calls out to me!  Praise Him for the strength He has given me this far!  Praise Him for his word and everlasting truths that I can always turn to.  My God is an awesome God, He reigns over heaven and earth, with power, wisdom and might, my God is an awesome God!

Nate and I have a date to go to babies-r-us on Friday!  I hope we can make it!  We need to start doing somethings:)  I am slow to get moving on figuring out some of the things we need and some of the things we want.  Also starting and finishing the baby room. I have been doing a lot of talking with people, which helps the learning curve.   Still, I am really slow when it comes to buying things!  I get too nervous that I won't like it, or need it, or will have spent too much money on it!  It is a problem!  I have some ideas of things I want for the baby room but I don't want to buy anything at full price!!!!  it is awful!  Then I can't find it online for discount, so "things to buy" continue to get piled up and then never bought! Soooooo.  Yea, little insight of crazy angie. :)

Nate and I are reading some good books on babies and parenting.  Still reading Shepherding a Childs Heart....., Started "Bringing Up Boys" by James Dobson, which I love!  So insightful and real and alarming and educational.  Started "On Becoming Babywise" but I have to say, I am half way there and I think everything I've read could be written down in 10 pages.  It is awfully redundant and not very helpful so far.  I hope the second half is better.  It has given me a couple pieces of info to chew on.  BUT the first chapter by far is the best.  I don't know what happened!  "What to expect for newborns" and "Baby 411" is ok to peruse for random helpful hints for baby world.  I have yet to read "Happiest Baby".

We had a midwife appt on tuesday which again was good.  She measured me and I was on track this time (no overly large uterus/baby this week)  I measured 27cm, = 27 weeks!  Yay.  Hopefully the sugar test that I took will also confirm that I am not a GDM (gestational diabetic).  She began to talk to us about signing consents for water birth, if we choose.  We signed up for our natural childbirth class..... dun dun dunnnnnnnnn...... which will talk about positions and breathing and how to know you are in labor!  I can't wait to take it.  We attend every monday class in June (4 weeks 2.5 hr classes)

Also a shout out to Heather and Braden!  Congrats finding out it's a girl.  Also shout out to Jess and Scott who found out they were prego!  20weeks behind us!  We will be having our baby and they will be finding out if it is a girl or boy!  Another gender party!

Thanks for reading!
Love, Ang

Friday, May 6, 2011

26 weeks!

Ever since our ultrasound I have become more and more excited...... excited?  Yea excited!  It might be a little apprehension too.  Yesterday I could not go back to sleep because I was thinking about our baby and baby things!  I am so excited to meet this little tike.  I already want another ultrasound just to see him, know how he is laying, and watch him kick at me or wave his hand.  What do you do all day inside me?!?!  I am incredibly excited to have Nate meet and hold and love this baby.  I think about us working together as a team- handling all the issues that will come up, enjoying spending time together as a family. I'm excited about strengthening and growing our marriage (all by learning about being parents:)  Honestly, I think I underestimate how hard it will be and that it will not be a "one time experience" but a lifetime change.  BUT.... I so desire to grow closer together through all the trials and challenges.  I keep praying that God will keep us honest and that we will keep our eyes fixed on Him.  We are a three strand cord that is not to be broken!
"In loving your child, give him the assurance that as a husband and wife, you really love each other.  The husband-wife union is not just a good first step towards child-rearing.  It is a necessary one."  ~~On Becoming Babywise"

We are still thinking about baby boy names:)   We are also reading a little more now about what to do with the baby when he gets here!!!  Hopefully we will go look at fun baby stuff at babies r us and target sometime in the next 2 weeks.  One of the things that mindlessly goes through my mind when Im trying to sleep, "Ahhh, what do we need for our baby!?", and "I need to go try out strollers and car seats to see which ones I like!" But when I am awake, I am ok with not needing a lot of things. I really want to start working on the nursery, but haven't looked up how I want to decorate it!? I'm kinda a mess, a joyful mess though....  I am feeling the baby kick more and more now---in fact, starting today- 26weeks, I am suppose to count daily how many times the baby kicks in one hours (the same hour everyday).  Basically I am just suppose to be aware that the baby is moving and kicking.  But everyday now I should feel him move.  And I do!  It was weird at first, but now it is endearing and lovely.  A little baby in me!  Kicking (or punching) all 1 2/3 pounds of its little body against my whale of a belly:)

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

24 weeks

Our little blueberry is not so little anymore:)  Today marks a cool milestone for me (as a labor and delivery nurse). A 24 week baby in utero is considered viable.  And that's all I have to say about that.  He is over 12inches in length, and weighs at least 1lb 5 oz.  My uterus is the size of a soccer ball!  His brain continues to grow rapidly and his taste buds too!  He is a wiggle worm.  I really think over the last two days he has gone from breech to head down, back to breech, and then today I thought he was head down again because I felt him kicking in my stomach and not my bladder.  Right now, I don't know where he is.  I think he is sleeping.  He already takes after his daddy as a late nighter.  He loves loves loves to kick kick kick around 2 in the morning, with out fail!  This does not fair well for Nate and I if He likes to be awake through the night!  :P
Next milestone marks the end of the second trimester and the beginning of the third--- 28weeks.  I am going to continue to enjoy this time though.  It is fun and enjoyable.  I am on cloud 9!

Love, Angie